Fiduciary Plan Advisors

Inframark partnered with Fiduciary Plan Advisors to provide fiduciary advice for your retirement plan. As a fiduciary, they have a legal obligation to do what is in the best interest of YOU. In addition, they offer the following services to Inframark employees at no cost to you:

  • assistance with 401(k) questions, completing rollover forms, help with understanding investment funds
  • comprehensive investment advice on topics that include budgeting and debt elimination. 
    • Click here to learn more about One Digital’s investment planning strategies.
  • help participants understand basic financial terms, learn more about the market and equip them with the knowledge to make more informed investment and financial decisions
  • one-on-one counseling sessions to review retirement plans and other financial concerns.
    • Click here to learn more about One Digital’s Pre-Retirment Consulting services.

Contact Fiduciary Plan Advisors at or 443-578-3211.


WellCents is a financial wellness tool to help you with your financial well-being and road to retirement. WellCents offers financial wellness assessment, one-on-one meetings with certified financial advisors, and extensive resources. To get you started, follow the steps below to register.

  1. Go to or download the WellCents app in the App Store.
  2. Click “Register Here” under the login button.
  3. Enter Inframark1 under Business Code.
  4. Enter your Inframark email as your username and your desired password and phone number.
  5. WellCents will send a verification code to your email. Once you enter this code, you have successfully created your account and WellCents will bump you back to the login screen.
  6. Enter the login information you just chose. WellCents will send you a SECOND, NEW verification code.
  7. Enter the second verification code and begin the survey. (Your responses are confidential and will not be shared with Inframark)

Contact Fiduciary Plan Advisors at or 443-578-3211.