Inframark provides a full range of O&M services for just about every treatment process utilized today. We serve municipal, commercial and industrial clients. Our resume of more than 160 water treatment plants (WTPs) includes groundwater, surface water, and brackish water treatment systems. We are experts in the conventional treatment and are especially adept at operating advanced treatment processes utilizing membrane technologies that are commonly used in treating brackish and surface water. For many of the membrane plants we operate, we are engaged early, providing operability comments on the design and taking on the responsibility for the startup and commissioning. We are particularly proud of our compliance rate of over 99.9% while providing our clients with guaranteed, risk-free operations. Risks assumed by Inframark include staffing, safety, chemicals, power, asset management, and compliance, all in a fixed-fee agreement that provides budget certainty over the term of the contract. We can also tailor and work within a variety of contractual relationships to fit specific client needs.